1st & 2nd grade
Welcome to the elementary years! It’s time for your child to expand their academic horizons and grow as a person of faith. First and Second Graders are introduced to more scheduled activities, like daily Bible Class and Physical Education.

First and Second Graders continue developing their reading and writing skills through fun and engaging activities like reading out loud to Preschool and Kindergarten classes. They’re also introduced to the Science Lab where they cover Life Science, Physical Science and Earth Science.

Classes are equipped with smart boards and iPads, and screen time is managed to ensure safe learning. Students head to the Idea Lab for interactive STEM experiences every week – from learning the basics of coding to robotics engineering.

Biblical Studies
First and Second Graders take a big step in their spiritual journey. They begin each morning with daily devotion, including bible verses and songs. And they attend daily Bible Class where they focus on the Old Testament and learn about Christian heroes.
Arts & Extras
Students rotate between Art, Music, Library, Word Works or Idea Lab each day. They also begin daily Physical Education classes to create healthy habits. And, possibly the most beloved activity of them all – RECESS! – on our state-of-the-art playground.

Students participate in a 9-week service project and attend Missions Week at the church to hear from missionaries from around the world. They also serve as line leaders and class leaders as they learn to take on more responsibility.