Kids are curious. Preschoolers want to interact with the world around them – and that’s exactly what we let them do. Our certified teachers create a safe, nurturing environment where your child can build social and academic foundations that will serve them for the rest of their lives.

At this age, we want your child to be excited to come to school every day and learn new things. Our play-based curriculum helps facilitate that spark of wonder. Listening, counting and singing are a few of our favorite activities.

Not yet! We take a tiered approach to technology, only introducing it at developmentally appropriate times. Right now, social interaction is most important.

Biblical Studies
The Scripture is woven throughout the day, starting with daily devotion every morning. Preschoolers also attend weekly Chapel and learn from the Beginners Bible.
Arts & Extras
It’s time for your child to take centerstage! K3 students participate in their first school play – one we look forward to every year. Preschoolers rotate between Art, Music, Library or Movement as their daily special. And you’ll hear all about our state-of-the-art playground from your (tired) child after school.

Preschoolers are taught the importance of serving others throughout the year. They are involved in all schoolwide service projects, including God’s Haven, Books for Batson and Missions Week. Sixth graders spend time with Preschoolers each morning to set good examples and boost their confidence.