3rd & 4th grade
Not the youngest, not the oldest. Third and Fourth Graders are in the thick of their FPDS journey. We hold this group to high standards as they learn to become leaders through the lens of Scripture. And with more responsibility comes more exciting opportunities – from art programs and athletics to new extracurricular offerings.

Now begins the transition from “learning to read” to “reading to learn.” Of course, we keep it fun and engaging with library activities like “Lights Out” where everyone uses flashlights to read in the dark. Fourth Graders take a deep dive into Mississippi History, culminating in their very first book report at the end of the year.

The Idea Lab is where wonder becomes reality. Third Graders use technology to work through STEM projects – from building a research presentation in Google Slides to creating 3D owl masks. They can also compete in our annual STEM Fair for the first time. And Fourth Graders will be ecstatic to hear that they are each assigned an iPad for enhanced learning, both in class and at home.

Biblical Studies
The principles of the Bible are incorporated into every facet of the day, starting with daily devotion every morning. Students attend Chapel once every week and Bible Class the other four days. Fourth Graders read the entire Old Testament throughout the year and, more importantly, learn how to apply its teachings in their lives.
Arts & Extras
The FPDS community looks forward to the Third and Fourth Grade plays every year. For our young musicians, we offer the Strings Music Program to learn cello, string bass, viola or violin. We also have several extracurricular activities – from Robotics Club to Dance – to make sure every student can find their spark and grow their talents.

We place an emphasis on physical health so children can learn and grow to their full potential. Students look forward to daily Phys Ed Class with Coach Moss, Coach Thompson and Coach Smith, and they can’t get enough of our state-of-the-art playground during recess. Intramural Basketball is also available where we teach sportsmanship and teamwork so students are ready for competitive athletics in 5th Grade.

These grades emphasize the importance of positive choices and learning from experiences. Students actively participate in school service projects, promoting a sense of responsibility and empathy.