The confidence of a Kindergartner is unmatched. We love seeing how much our students grow socially, spiritually and academically from the first day of school to the last. Whether your child joins our half-day or full-day program, we help them thrive under the eyes of Christ.

As we continue to build your child’s academic foundation, we also want your child to enjoy learning. Our hands-on curriculum does just that, designed to develop early reading and writing, as well as math and problem solving.

Kindergartners are introduced to technology with smart boards in every classroom. We also get them excited to learn about STEM education in the Idea Lab. It’s always fun to see their eyes widen and smiles beam when they first walk in!

Biblical Studies
The Scripture is woven throughout the day, starting with daily devotion every morning. Kindergartners also attend weekly Chapel and begin learning the history of the Bible.
Arts & Extras
Kindergartners rotate between Art, Music, Library, Movement or Integrity Time as their daily special. Integrity Time is special to Kindergarteners, as we go through the alphabet and apply words of integrity, like “A = Attitude” or “K = Kindness”, to each letter. Then we continue to instill confidence and curiosity through after-school activities like Cheer, Soccer Shots, Ballet, Art, Karate and more.

Kindergartners are involved in all schoolwide service projects, including God’s Haven, Books for Batson and Missions Week. They also get to hang out with Fifth Graders in the afternoons – the perfect way to end the school day with a smile.