
Kindergartners at FPDS experience the joy and wonder of learning with creative activities that build strong foundational skills. Children are able to try new things and grow in confidence within a safe and nurturing classroom environment. Teachers and staff are dedicated to a culture that recognizes each student is a loved and precious child of God. 

A Rich Language Arts Program

Children develop early reading skills that are grounded in a strong phonics base and gain a love of reading through a wide variety of books and stories. Each day also includes activities that help kindergarten children develop writing and comprehension skills. We adopted Orton Gillingham, a “tried and true” multi-sensory curriculum for teaching phonetic skills. Our kindergartners are taught reading skills through exposure to rich, quality literature found in our reading curriculum.

Math Facts + Concepts = Problem Solving

Kindergartners gain a strong foundation of math facts and an age-appropriate understanding of math concepts. This foundation allows children to become adept at problem-solving. While our math curriculum and daily lessons come from Progress in Mathematics, our teachers supplement math lessons with hands-on, engaging manipulatives to make math concrete yet fun!

Growth in God’s Word

Bible stories and biblical instruction are an integral part of the daily curriculum. Starting in preschool and continuing through 6th grade, all students are equipped with the knowledge they need to understand and believe God’s word. Teachers model for children how faith plays a role in daily interactions and relationships.  If you ask our kindergartners what their favorite part of the day is, you’ll often hear them answer the Bible (or recess…)!  Kindergartners also participate in weekly chapel services.

Special Classes

Each week, kindergartners have specific class times with teachers who specialize in various enrichment subjects, including art, music, Idea Lab, library and physical education. These classes incorporate concepts that focus on whole-child growth, while enhancing academic growth, and allow kindergartners to explore their own unique God-given gifts and talents.

  • Full-Day Kindergarten (8:00-2:45) Tution : $9,000

  • Half-Day Kindergarten (8:00-12:15) Tuition: $7,900

  • Lunch Bunch is available on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 12:15-2:45. Students may be picked up at 2:45 carpool. We ask that families commit by the month. Monthly tuition for Lunch Bunch is $60/mo. If you need to drop-in on a Tuesday or Thursday it will be $15/day. We will have a form to sign up for lunch bunch at the start of school.

Sample Schedule:

8:00 - 8:30 Devotion Time and Morning Prayer

8:30 - 9:00 Specials (Art, Music, IdeaLab, Movement, Integrity Time)

9:00 - 11:30 Reading/Phonics/Math/Independent Work

11:30 - 12:00 Outside Time/Recess

12:00 - 12:20 Pack-up & Dismissal for 1/2 Day, Storytime for Full Day

12:25 - 12:55 Lunch

12:55 - 1:25 Bible

1:30 - 2:00 Enrichment (Science Lab, Creative Writing, STEAM, Music, Art)

2:00 - 2:30 Outside Time/PE

2:30 - 2:45 Prayer and Pack


  • Students in both programs will follow the same learning plan and curriculum from 8:00-12:15 each day, with traditional academics taking place in the morning. After 12:15, activities will not be continuations of the morning curriculum, but new learning opportunities. The extension of the day will include enrichment opportunities such as STEM, play-based learning, science, and art. Weeks may be themed to enhance creativity and excitement! (Ie. Space week, Decades Week, Nature Week)

  • Yes, all full-day students will have recess each day in the afternoon.

  • No, we will not have nap time. However, we do have a time where the teacher reads to the children (or similar activity) as a quiet time before they eat.

  • Half day and full day students will be mixed together in classes in the morning. Both morning and afternoon classes will operate as sizes of 2 teachers with a maximum of 16 students. Full day students will be assigned to a teacher and class after lunch that will be the same for the entire school year, with the same operating ratio. These teachers will be full-time FPDS employees.

  • While kindergarteners have traditionally attended after-school specials between lunch and afternoon carpool, starting with the 2023-2024 school year, these will be offered for all K5 students after 2:45.

  • ½ day students will have a Lunch-Bunch option to stay from 12:15-2:45PM on Tuesdays and Thursdays each week. Signups for Lunch Bunch will be available at the start of school.

  • Yes, early check-outs will follow the same procedures as our 1st - 6th grade students. Full-day students will NOT be able to be dismissed at 12:15 carpool. You will need to come in and check them out.

  • No, the full day program replaces K5 Company from 12:15-2:45. However, if you have an emergency, call us! Your child will be safe with us :)

  • If we are a few months in and you would like to change from half-day to full-day, we will have to evaluate class sizes to see if a spot is available.

    We will not be able to give a tuition discount if you go from full day to half day due to that affecting the amount of teachers we staff for the afternoons.

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