
Week of February 24th

At a Glance:

  • Chapel Chat

  • Financial Aid

  • We Will Go Food Drive Starts Monday

  • Holiday Potpourri Interest Indicator

  • OLSAT Testing

  • FPDS Upcoming Important Dates


This week in Chapel, we took a look at the Sixth Commandment in Exodus 20:13.  

Remembering that God has made every person in His image and likeness, ask the following:

  • What does this commandment teach us?

  • How does it apply to us?

Read Jesus' teaching and explanation of this command in Matthew 5:21-22 together.

  • Is the command to "not murder" only refer to the physical?

  • What else does Jesus teach us is part of this commandment?

  • Do you think anyone can obey this command perfectly all the time?

  • Is there someone who has? (Hint: Jesus!)

When we fall short, we are called to ask God to forgive us and to help us obey Him as He speaks to us in His word.  Spend some time praying about this now!

FPDS Chapel Schedule / All offerings for this 9 weeks will go to Fellowship of Christian Athletes (FCA).  Parents are always welcome. 


Financial Aid applications for the 2025-2026 school year are now open and MUST be completely submitted online by TODAY (February 21st), including tax documents from 2023. Families who currently receive Financial Aid MUST reapply each year. All applications should be submitted via your FACTS Family Portal. 

Decisions regarding financial aid will be notified via your FACTS account by the end of April. 


Help Fill the Shelves & Win a Popsicle Party! 🍽️🍦

The FPDS Student Council is hosting a Food Drive to support We Will Go during the week of February 24th! Each grade is asked to bring specific food items to help families in need:

🥜 Pre-K & Kindergarten: Peanut Butter & Jelly
🍝 1st - 3rd Grade: Spaghetti Sauce & Noodles
🥣 4th - 6th Grade: Meaty Soups & Canned Vegetables

Bonus: The class in each grade with the most donations wins a popsicle party! Let’s show our FPDS generosity and make a big impact!


✨Interested in making Holiday Potpourri amazing?✨  Help make Holiday Potpourri 2025 an unforgettable event! If you’d love to get involved, join the committee by filling out the form below—let us know how you’d like to help!💙💛

Click Here for the Holiday Potpourri Committee Interest Form!

OLSAT TESTING (2nd & 5th only):

March 4-5: The OLSAT is an assessment that measures various reasoning skills with different types of verbal, nonverbal, figural, and quantitative reasoning questions.  It is not measuring academic achievement but more the cognitive abilities of our students. Parents of students in these two grades, please make sure your child is well rested, on time, and has a good breakfast these two days. 


Click Here for FPDS School Calendar.

February 24 - K3 Parent Conferences

February 24 - Mom's In Prayer / 12:00 PM

February 25 - K4 Parent Conferences

February 26 - Class Pictures

February 27, 28 - 3rd Grade Play / 8:15 AM

March 4, 5 - OLSAT Testing (2nd & 5th grades)

March 6 - K5 Mother Goose Parade

March 7, 10-14 - Spring Break (NO SCHOOL)

Go Crusaders! Sports Schedule Links:  FPDS Track Team Schedule & Roster.

“Speak to all the congregation of the people of Israel and say to them, You shall be holy, for I the Lord your God am holy.”  

Leviticus 19:2