Group Piano Lab teaches piano basics in a fun atmosphere! Each student will be assigned to their own digital piano with headphones and be given group and individualized instruction. It is literally the BEST of both worlds!
Who can participate: Ages 4 & up! We will offer classes for each division. Whether Preschool, Elementary or Middle, we’ve got you covered!
When: Thursday after school at 2:45-3:45 pm. Cost: $450 per semester (10% OFF FOR FPDS STUDENTS / 20% OFF FOR FPDS FACULTY MEMBERS).
Tuition Includes:
● 14-16 Week of Lessons
● Custom Curriculum, Binder & Bag
● Motivational Awards
~ Step 1: Fill-out group lesson form to register.
● End-of-Semester Recital
~ Step 2: To Pay: An invoice will be sent directly to your email address.
~ Private Lessons are available upon request ~ All forms & info can be found on our website!
Contact sarah@sarahwalkerstudios.com or nseker@fpds.org
(337) 280-0009