Gifts for God’s Haven
Kiara Macklin remembers riding around with her mother Bridgett, her twin sister, and new baby sister in their little red car passing out bologna sandwiches to hungry people on the streets of South Jackson. In 2007, Bridgett formed God’s Homeless Haven, after being called by God during her prayer time to minister to the homeless.
Over time, the ministry grew to serve both families and children, and the name changed to God’s Haven. This past February, Bridgett suffered a stroke and is recovering miraculously; by God’s grace, Bridgett had been training Kiara to direct God’s Haven alongside her. Today, more than 200 children attend summer camp free of charge, Sunday church services, and Monday night fellowship, all at a former church facility gifted debt-free to God’s Haven in 2021.
Mrs. Speed’s 2nd Grade class wrapped and prayed over gifts for their God’s Haven family.
At FPDS, the third part of our mission statement states that our mission exists to “prepare students for future service in God’s kingdom in their homes, churches, and professions.” This year, each class supported a child from God’s Haven by providing Christmas gifts, thanks to the generosity of our families and organized by our room moms. Homeroom classes wrapped gifts and prayed for their God’s Haven child, for Bridgett, and for the Gospel to be spread. Each child also received a Bible. Because of funds raised at chapel during this nine-weeks, FPDS has also committed to provide 300 sack lunches for the God’s Haven children. Our 6th grade students will begin the packing process, and our faculty and staff (along with their children) will meet over the holidays to complete the lunches and deliver them with Kiara (probably ham sandwiches this time - not bologna!).
It is our prayer that as we serve God’s Haven in these tangible ways (and three other wonderful ministries throughout the year), our students will be taught to love and serve others as they go out into the world.
Merry Christmas!
“For He will hide me in His shelter in the day of trouble; He will conceal me under the cover of His tent, He will set me might upon a rock.” Psalm 27:5
(there is a Bible at God’s Haven opened to this passage on the entrance table in the foyer!)
5th Graders help load the gifts to take to God’s Haven